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It’s easy to resize Zen Strokes’ tattoo designs,
read on for details on how it’s done!

To resize and print your Zen Strokes tattoo design, we recommend you use either Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Windows or Mac) or Foxit PDF Reader (Windows, Mac, or Linux). These are both free downloads and do not require you to make any purchase.

Step 1: Open your Zen Strokes tattoo design PDF file using either Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or Foxit PDF Reader.

Step 2: Resize the PDF viewer window to be smaller, and then using the scroll bars, center the portion of the design that you wish to print within the PDF viewer window, like this:

Foxit Tattoo Design Resize

Step 3: Zoom in or out until you have exactly what you would like to print, with no “extra” data visible. Use the scroll bars to center what you would like to print. The final version will look something like this:

Zen Strokes Tattoo Design Resized and Centered

Step 4: You can now print your design.

With Foxit PDF Reader: After the print dialog appears, you must choose “Current View” and “Custom Scale”. Set the scale so that you get your desired size. You may need to print, measure, and then print again with an adjusted size.

The print dialog for Foxit PDF Reader looks like this:

Foxit Print Dialog See the red arrows for the areas you must click.

With Adobe Acrobat Reader DC: You must first click “More Options”, then choose “Current view”, and then adjust the size using the “Custom Scale” feature. You may need to print, measure, and then print again with an adjusted size.

The print dialog for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC looks like this:

Acrobat Print Dialog
See the red arrows for the areas you must click.

Our designs can be easily resized as described above, and you will not lose quality when you print them at larger sizes.

Please note that due to the nature of brushed calligraphy, sizes that are signifigantly smaller than our original designs may be difficult to ink. It may become challenging for your tattoo artist to see the fine points of the design at very small sizes.

If you would like a very small Japanese calligraphy tattoo, please reach out to us! We will be happy to custom-brush a beautiful and unique design that will work with the image you have in mind.

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